


Kā atpazīt meteorītu? MID tests.
Meteoroīdi. Meteori. Bolīdi.
Meteorīti. Krāteri. Impaktīti.
Jaunumi. Latvijā un pasaulē.

Meteoriti.LV - par meteorītiku Latvijā un pasaulē: aktuālā informācija, izpēte, meteorītu kolekcija - Meteorītu muzejs.

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Standarta cena: 12,00€ | 6,00
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Projekts Meteoriti.LV ir pārstāvēts Meteorītikas biedrībā:

 Meteoritical Society

   Starptautiskā Meteorītikas biedrība

   Latvijas muzeju biedrība
Projekts Meteoriti.LV tapis pateicoties:


   GNSS / GPS online pakalpojumi
Projekta sadarbības partneri:


   Latvijas Astronomijas biedrība
Meteoriti.LV kolekcija: meteorīti, impaktīti u.c.
Pārbaudiet savu atradumu tiešsasitē ar meteorītu identificēšanas testu MID.
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Aicinām Latvijas iedzīvotājus iesaistīties pilsoņu zinātnes akcijā, meklējot meteorītus savā apkārtnē:


Review of the Meteoritics World News
Meteorītikas ziņu apskats angļu valodā

: meteors; asteroids; comets; space-junk.

  • 2025-03-31
    What can cryovolcanism on the dwarf planet Ceres teach us about potential cryovolcanism on Uranus’ five largest moons, which include Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel, Titania, and Miranda? This is what two studies recently presented at the 56th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference hopes to address, as a team of researchers investigated ...
  • 2025-03-27
    The search for evidence of life on Mars just got a little more interesting with the discovery of large organic molecules in a rock sample. The Mars Curiosity Rover, which is digging in the Martian rock beds as it goes along, tested pieces of its haul and found interesting organic ...
  • 2025-03-27
    Suppose humanity was faced with an extinction-level event. Not just high odds, but certain-sure. A nearby supernova will explode and irradiate all life, a black hole will engulf the Earth, a Mars-sized interstellar asteroid with our name on it. A cataclysm that will end all life on Earth. We could ...
  • 2025-03-26
    The focus is all on the Moon at the moment as we strive to establish a permanent lunar base. At the south polar region there are permanently shadowed craters protecting pockets of water ice. Korea’s Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO) has been capturing images of these craters using its ShadowCam instrument. ...
  • 2025-03-25
    China’s Chang’e-6 mission has been exploring the largest crater on the Moon. It’s known as Aitken Basin and is found at the South Pole of the Moon where craters are permanently shadowed. The crater is a whopping 2,500 km across and measures 10km deep and Chang’e-6 data has revealed that ...

  • 2025-03-30
    Asteroids like 2024 YR4 - which is set to pass very close to Earth in 2032 - will keep coming back into our vicinity, thanks to a strange orbital resonance. The post Asteroid 2024 YR4 won’t hit in 2032, but it will be back first appeared on EarthSky.

  • 2025-03-31
    Paris, France (SPX) Mar 30, 2025 As ESA's Hera spacecraft passed close to Mars, it carried out a successful test of its autonomous navigation system, locking onto dozens of surface landmarks such as craters and other geological formations to track them over time. This experiment marked the first large-scale validation of ...
  • 2025-03-31
    Pasadena CA (JPL) Mar 30, 2025 Recently Mars has had a few Earthly visitors. On March 1, NASA's Europa Clipper flew within 550 miles (884 kilometers) of the Red Planet's surface on its way out to Jupiter. On March 12, the European Space Agency's Hera spacecraft flew within about 3,100 miles ...

  • 2025-03-29
    The surface of Mars is known for being an extremely cold, desiccated, and irradiated place. But as its many surface features attest, the red planet was once a warmer, wetter place with flowing water and glaciers. Today, most of the remaining water on the surface is largely confined to its ...

  • 2025-03-30
    NASA’s NEO Surveyor, a spacecraft specifically designed to detect asteroids that could threaten Earth, is on track for a 2027 launch. After passing environmental testing, its instrument enclosure returned to JPL for final assembly. The mission will use infrared technology to spot hard-to-see near-Earth objects, including those with dark surfaces. ...

: meteorites; asteroids; comets.

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- tikai ar iepriekšēju pierakstu!

2025/03/31 90   Meteoriti.LV

Mēness fāze
31. martā vēsturē zināmi nokrituši 5 meteorīti:
Zsadany (1875)
Avce (1908)
Kasamatsu (1938)
Peace River (1963)
Revelstoke (1965)
Pavisam marta vēsturē zināmi 79* nokrituši meteorīti:
18 jeb 22.8% no tiem glabājas Latvijā Meteoriti.LV kolekcijā.
* Ievērojiet, nesen iespējams nokrituši jauni meteorīti:
2024. g. 25. jūlijā Charlottetown
2024. g. 6. augustā Ait Saoun
2024. g. 25. augustā Nqweba, South Africa [??]
2024. g. 10. decembrī Amo, Indiana, USA [??]
š.g. 18. februārī Drelów, Poland [??]
š.g. 21. februārī Codyville, USA [??]
š.g. 5. martā Kwalwat Limgaon, India [??]
Šobrīd debesīs novērojama 1 aktīvā meteoru plūsma:
★☆☆☆ Antihelion Source (Maksimums: marts-apr. un vēls maijs-jūn.).
Aktuālā informācija par Zemei tuviem objektiem: 
NASA NEO (Near Earth Objects) programma    |    IAU Mazo planētu centrs

Mazliet vēstures

Kopš meteorītikas zinātnes dzimšanas pagājuši 230 gadi.
Pirmais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 204 gadiem.
Otrais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 161 gada.
Trešais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 160 gadiem.
Pēdējais zināmais meteorīts Latvijas teritorijā nokrita pirms 134 gadiem.
Pirmais meteorītikai veltītais muzejs Latvijā dibināts pirms 9 gadiem.


Meteoriti.LV vietne tiks pakāpeniski papildināta ar plašu pamatinformāciju par meteorītiku un ar to saistitām astronomijas nozarēm. Uzzināsiet, vai "meteorīti dabā sastopami retāk par dimantiem", cik tie ir veci un kāda ir to izcelsme. Atradīsiet atbildes uz jautājumiem: Vai meteorīti ir bīstami? Kādi meteorīti atrodami Latvijā un kur tos var apskatīt? Vai Latvijā ir vērts meklēt meteorītus? Ko meteorītu izpēte pastāsta mums par Zemes un Saules sistēmas izcelšanos? Ceram, ka tas radīs vēlmi arī jums pašiem novērot Zemes kosmiskos viesus - meteorus, un, varbūt, pat kļūt par īstiem meteorītu medniekiem!
Veiksmīgu novērošanu!


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